On June 25th, Lou Barletta challenged his opponent Paul Kanjorski to a series of 11 debates.
He wants 6 of the debates to be aired on Northeastern Pa. talk radio station WILK.
And he wants to do them during the summer.
Barletta said the other 5 debates could take place during the fall, some of them to be televised.
Ed Mitchell, the spokesman for Kanjorski’s campaign, has already started with the “The Congressman has to focus on his schedule in Congress" excuses as a way of ducking Barletta.
He also claims that “ Lou Barletta can’t raise any money” and “This is just a ploy for free publicity”.
I can see that Mr. Mitchell isn’t one to be dissuaded by reality. These debates wouldn’t raise any money, and why should Kanjorski care when he has 2 million bucks to spend.
The money Barletta has on hand is chump change compared to that.
The reality is that the Kanjorski camp has repeatedly accused Barletta of being a “one trick pony”, with only one issue under his belt, illegal immigration.
The fact that Barletta wants public debates on issues such as social security, health care, the economy, the war in Iraq………. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s why they don’t want to debate Barletta.
Big Paul might have to answer a question about “stretching the facts”.
Or how someone with a net worth over 6 million dollars could be considered middle class.
Now I get it.
Maybe this Mitchell dude is smarter than I thought.
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