Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ask Your Congressman

With a little less than 4 months to go before the voters of Pennsylvania’s 11th Congressional District choose between Paul Kanjorski or Lou Barletta, it’s time for a “call to arms” for the voters to get behind Lou Barletta. That post will be coming soon.

But before we get to that, I’d like to offer another suggestion, and that is for everyone who comes into contact with Kanjorski to demand the truth regarding the claims of himself and his campaign team.

I won’t rehash the whole CornerStone Technologies debacle, simply ask him what scientific qualifications his family members had that made them qualified to do the research the company was supposed to be engaged in.

Veterans should ask him how he could lie about ending the war in Iraq so he could ensure a Democrat takeover of Congress.

Question him as to why all of a sudden we can’t seem to turn on the TV or open a newspaper without him “endorsing” this or “proposing” that, when we all know these are simply publicity stunts.

Inquire as to why after continually claiming that Lou Barletta was a “one trick pony”, his campaign manager, Ed Mitchell, seems to be making excuses as to why the Congressman cannot commit to the debates that Barletta has challenged him to.

On the same subject, I for one would like Mr, Mitchell to explain his claim that Barletta’s debate challenge is nothing more than a cheap way to win publicity and to try and raise campaign funds.
I make no claims to being an expert on these matters, but I doubt that Lou Barletta will raise enough money from debates to overcome the fact that Barletta has 150k in his campaign chest as opposed to the almost 2 million dollars in funds that Kanjorksi has available.

I’d want an explanation of how someone could consider themselves a person of “middle-class” values when their salary is 163 thousand a year, and their personal net worth is over 6 million dollars.

I could go on with this for quite some time, but for now I only want the answer to one more thing:

For the 24 years that he has been in Congress, one of Kanjorski’s biggest claims is how he works hard to bring good, high paying jobs to Northeastern Pennsylvania.
I’d like to know, one, where the hell are they, two, why his own website cites as examples firms such as Techneglas which went out of business years ago, and last of all, after 24 YEARS of “fighting for us”, why is the average yearly income in each of the 5 counties you represent 3 to 7 thousand dollars a year below the average wages for the rest of Pennsylvania.

You can reach the Congressman by the following methods:

Washington, DC Office:
2188 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-3811
(202) 225-6511(202) 225-0764 (fax)

Luzerne County Office:
The Stegmaier Building7 North Wilkes-Barre Boulevard Suite 400M Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-5283
(570) 825-2200 (570) 825-8685 (fax)

Lackawanna County Office:546 Spruce Street Scranton, PA 18503
(570) 496-1011 (570) 496-6439

Monroe County Office: (by appointment only)102 Pocono Boulevard Mount Pocono, PA 18344-1412
(570) 895-4176
Toll-Free Help Line:(800) 222-2346

These are the only listings available, if your area isn't on the list please write to him at the DC address.

End Of Post