Monday, August 16, 2010

Barack Obama:Enemy Of The People

With each passing day,it becomes more and more apparent that President Obama is more concerned with how he appears to liberals in general than he cares about the safety and well-being of the American public.

His latest example of putting style over substance is his threat to have the Department of Justice take legal action against Arizona’s recently passed immigration control law.

The measure, SB1070, which is an adaptation of a rarely-enforced federal statute, is seen by bleeding hearts as a “threat to civil rights.”

Such an attitude completely ignores the monetary strain that illegal immigrants place upon social services, not to mention the increase in violent crime, drug dealing, etc. that Wasington has overlooked for years.

So Mr. President, if I where you I would spend some time thinking about the civil rights of American citizens.

Even the ones who were misguided enough to vote for you.