Monday, August 16, 2010

My Appeal To The ACLU UPDATE

(Originally published March 2010)

Regular visitors to this site probably never expected to see me call out to the ACLU for assistance.

Truth be told, never in my wildest dreams did I see it happening either.

However, the Obama administration is forcing me to do so.

Otherwise, I may be headed to jail.

A few days ago, I wrote of a plan working it’s way through Congress that would require all working Americans to be issued and carry a National ID card, supposedly as a means of controlling illegal immigration.

I’ve just finished reading a news report that the bill could be presented to President Obama as early as this coming week.

And this is why I will need the help of someone from the American Civil Liberties Union.

Because I flat-out refuse to carry such a card.

Chris Calabrese of the ACLU had this to say about the plan:

“We’re talking about fingerprinting every single american worker, and that card, in turn, will probably be used not only to work but also to travel, to vote, perhaps even to own a gun.”

I have no idea what the penalties might be for refusing to knuckle under to this scheme that is right out of a police state, but I will say this to the two main sponsors of this national ID plan,
Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsay Graham:

See You In Court!